Sunday, October 24, 2004


Typically, I try to avoid bandwagons. How am I supposed to be an individual when I am riding a bus full of people all trying to do the same thing? Well, in this particular case - National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) - thousands will be participating and I am going to write my very best and pray to God that it puts everyone else's work to shame. Call me "competitive," but I've never thought anything wrong with trying to be the best.

Technically, I am not allowed to start the writing process until November 1st. I have until the end of the month to complete 50,000 words. I absolutely do not know what I will write. It's "free-writing" in it's truest form. What you are reading now is a simple explanation.

And now you might be asking, "So what's with the title?" You know what? I don't have an answer for you. It just sorta came to me.

So if you feel like reading something (possibly entertaining) starting the first of November, feel free to come by and give feedback. I cannot think of anything more entertaining than watching a writer struggle ferociously to compose enough words (good words) to complete a semi-decent novel. When I consider it, I think it's hilarious. Doing this will most certainly cause me to lose my mind, and I am doing so willingly.

I hope you like.



Blogger Ryan said...

Bo Ya sista.

I still have no idea what to write about... So far I'm thinking of stealing a bunch from a few sources... (The Movie "Unfaithful", The Street's "Dry yor eyes" The Killer's "Mr.Brightside" the postal service's "Nothing Better" TBS's "tell all your friends" and a cheesy short I saw in church one day..... ) but really, I have no freeaking idea what to write about.

October 25, 2004 at 9:23 AM  

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